St. Vincent de Paul
In the spirit of love and justice, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person services of time, talent and resources to help our neighbor in need. The Society provides assistance by visiting them in their homes. This personal contact in their homes is the distinctive character of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Our home visits promote friendship with those we serve and enable our Vincentians to more fully understand the suffering of those we visit and to best assess their needs. The aid we provide most often includes direct financial assistance for rent, utilities or transportation, as well as referral services to other agencies or organizations.
If you are in need of financial assistance please contact the parish office at 530-677-324 ext. 8 and leave a message. Please include your name, address, phone number and a brief description of your need.
The Essential Elements of SVdP
All men and women of Holy Trinity parish are eligible to join the conference. There are no dues. We meet at Holy Trinity parish twice a month the first Monday morning (9:00 a.m.) and the third Monday night (6:30 p.m.) of the month. If you are interested in joining SVdP join us at one of our meetings or call 530-677-3234 ext. 8 and leave a message. Someone will contact you, usually within 48 hours, who will be happy to answer your questions.
Types of Membership
An Active Member (Full) is one who is Catholic, participates in the meetings and charitable activities of the Vincentian Conference into which they have been received.
An Associate Member is one who accepts the Society’s basic principles, but does not participate fully in the life of the Conference into which they have been received.
A Contributing Member is one who, regularly or in a substantial way, provides financial support but does not engage directly in the work of the Society.
​Thank you for your generous support for the poor and needy in our community.
To bear witness to Christ and to his Church by showing that the faith of Christians inspires them to work for the good of humanity. Spiritual development and sharing is part of every meeting.
To bring together people of good will and assist them by mutual example and true friendship in drawing nearer to the Divine Model by fulfilling his essential precept, namely, the love of God in the person of others.
To establish a personal contact between its members and those in need as we provide financial assistance and/or referrals to other agencies or organizations.