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History of our Lady of Sorrows Statue

In July 2024, our parish installed a statue of Our Lady of Sorrows near our Rosary Walk thanks to generous donations from our parishioners. Learn more about the history of this statue below.



Statue Commissioned

Sometime in the mid-1950’s Mike’s grandparents Albert and Gertrude Reid commissioned a statue of the Virgin Mary to be made for their pear ranch in the Sacramento Delta on Sutter Island to honor and look over the Italian laborers (and later Filipino and Mexican) who worked the farms. The workers were led by Carlo Pierretti and his wife Victoria (the grand dam) who lived on the ranch, supervised and fed the workers. The Pieretti family were more than just hired hands though. Carlo and Victoria and later their son Angelo and his children became a part of the Reid and later, Momboisse families. Mike’s grandmother Gertrude commissioned the statue from artists in the old country (Italy).


Statue Arrives

In 1958 it arrived and was installed on the pedestal in front of the concrete and marble backdrop.



Life on the Ranch

Over the many years that followed the monument was tended by the Pieretti family and by each new crew that came to work the ranch each season. As the crew make up slowly changed over the years, first from Italian to Filipino and later to Mexican, each crew would add touches to the monument reflecting on their individual cultures (hence the traditional multicolored styling seen on the most recent photos of the monument). They would drap the Virgin Mary with rosaries and crowns of roses and offerings of beautiful bouquets of flowers for special occasions. But throughout, the original statue of our Lady continued to shine through in all her glory bestowing her blessings on the ranches and the hundreds of men and women who worked the land.

When Mike’s family was no longer able to work the ranches, the ranches were sold but with the understanding that the Virgin Mary would remain with the Momboisse family. Mike's brothers were still able to live on the ranches under a life estate until Mike’s youngest brother passed away in 2021.


Moving to El Dorado Hills

We then scrambled to preserve the statue by removing it from it’s monument and bringing her back home where she came to live in our backyard in El Dorado Hills.



Moving to Holy Trinity

Thanks to the stewardship of many parishioners, the statue began restoration to fix the exterior of the crucifix and places on the head and feet. The statue was then placed in its new home near our Rosary Walk Garden.




On July 14, 2024, parishioners gathered with the Momboisse family as Fr. Vic unveiled and blessed the statue. 


Life at Holy Trinity Parish

Our Lady of Sorrows Statue looks over our parish plaza and is visited by parishioners each day for prayer. The gardens surrounding her are in the process of being redesigned to create an even more welcoming and joyful home for her.


​Mike and Lynn Momboisse, parishioners of Holy Trinity, feel that this statue of the Virgin Mary will be a beautiful addition to the parish grounds. As she overlooks the Sacramento Valley and her one-time home on the Sacramento Delta she will give comfort to visitors and guide them to her Son. It is our pleasure to donate her to our parish in the name of the Momboisse, Reid and Pieretti families.

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